Transforming Lives through Christ

Christ Life Church exists to transform lives for Jesus Christ through preaching the gospel, discipleship, training leaders/pastors and planting churches.

Since its inception in 2018, it has now grown to be a church reaching 2700 people in-person, 2600 online, 6M by radio and has various ministries that help the church serve the people in Zambia.

Be a part
of the Transformation of Lives
in Zambia.

Meet Pastor Pishon Nusampwa

Pastor Pishon  was mentored at Christ Life Church.  He was then placed at the Christ Life Chainda Center, which is in the middle of a nearby slum. Each weekday the Center feeds, provides basic education and teaches the children about the love of Jesus Christ.  On Sundays, the Center is transitioned into a Worship Center.

Christ Life Church is multiplying leaders, campuses and ministries throughout Zambia.

Learn more about how Christ Life is multiplying throughout Zambia

Main Campus in Lusaka

Main Campus in Lusaka

Main Campus in Lusaka

Christ Life Ministries is a non-profit ministry that is registered in the USA as a 501c3 for the purpose of supporting the ministries of Christ Life Church in Zambia, Africa. Christ Life Church Zambia is a church that was started by Pastor Mulenga Chella (Dr) and his wife Hellen in 2018.




Lead Pastor Mulenga Chella

Learn about Mulenga’s journey from growing up in Zambia, being wrongfully imprisoned in Tanzania, graduating from  Baylor University with a Doctorate to planting Christ Life Church in Zambia.

Lead Pastor Mulenga Chella

Learn about Mulenga’s journey from growing up in Zambia, being wrongfully imprisoned in Tanzania, graduating from  Baylor University with a Doctorate to planting Christ Life Church in Zambia.