Food & Water Distribution

By the grace of God working through our generous supporters, the ministry has grown exponentially very quickly and with that, comes an increase in monthly operational costs.  Additionally, Zambia is experiencing a historic draught which has increased both the needs of the community and the costs of keeping the ministries open without water and electricity.  Please join us in transforming lives by setting up a recurring gift to our general fund.

Christ Life Ministries has three feeding programs.

  1. Over 600 children are fed and educated at The Chainda Center 5 days a week.
    • We are constructing a new facility that will care for 1200.
    • The new facility borehole well is currently providing much needed water to the community during this historic drought.
  2. Food in bulk is taken to the Chainda Slum on a regular basis.
    • During the peak of COVID 19 Lockdown we gave 400 buckets filled with food. Over 2,400 individuals benefited out of this project.
  3. The children that attend Christ Life School (paid and sponsored) all receive a hearty lunch each school day.

Feeding Over 600 Kids Each Weekday at The Chainda Center

Distributing Food & Water in the Chainda Slum

Chainda Borehole Well

Feeding the Students Breakfast & Lunch at Christ Life School

Feeding Over 600 Kids Each Weekday at The Chainda Center

Distributing Food & Water in the Chainda Slum

Chainda Borehole Well

Feeding the Students Breakfast & Lunch at Christ Life School